About the CTK Farm

For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in…The King will answer and say to them, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.’ – Matthew 25: 31-46

Jesus makes it clear that He takes it personally when we feed the hungry. He has created this ministry to be a light into Whatcom County. Our purpose speaks to our calling and points to our King. 

CTK Food Share and Farm exists to use the vehicle of food to bring hope to the hungry people of Whatcom County and help the volunteers become more like Jesus.

Our history stretches back to 1996 when we opened our CTK Food Bank. A few years later in 2007 our CTK Farm joined the fight against hunger in this community. After 20 years, God opened new doors for us to expand our reach in the community through partnerships rather than directly distributing food ourselves.  This marked the shift from a Food Bank to what is now known as our Food Share ministry. 

Our Food Share ministry now looks for gaps to fill in the food safety net and come alongside 30+ organizations in Whatcom County to increase access to food for our friends,  neighbors and community. We collect canned goods, donations from local businesses and the produce grown at the CTK Farm and deliver them to the areas of greatest need. 

The CTK Farm continues to expand and evolve each year as we use a team of faithful volunteers to manage several acres of donated farmland and greenhouses to provide fresh produce for our local partners. When it began in 2007, we had a small group of volunteers who grew food in raised beds. We now have grown to about 4 acres of land and a large group of faithful volunteers.

Together we have grown to have over 700 volunteers donating about 7,000 hours a year to harvest and deliver around 120,000 lbs of fresh produce and over 13,000 non perishable items in 2024! Check out the graph below to see that growth visually over the last 10 years! It's a true testament to God's faithfulness and provision!

If you would ever like to come check us out, feel free to show up during a workday (Mondays from 9-12, May through September) or contact Faith to schedule a tour! The CTK Farm is located at 6069 Hannegan Road. Look for the large greenhouse or brightly painted shipping container with our farm mural on it located behind and to the North of the Hannegan Seafoods retail store.