Who is AHA Childcare & Family Learning Center?

AHA Childcare is a Christian-based, licensed daycare in Ferndale serving ages 1-5. They supplement their excellent work with kids by supporting families in a host of other ways. CTK Ferndale will be taking the lead on this partnership, with the rest of our network of churches right behind them. Expect to see diaper drives, adopt-a-family programs and much more coming as we develop this relationship.

Support AHA Childcare

Our partners are on the frontlines of the best kind of work in our community and we have the awesome opportunity to support their work with the supplies they and their clients need.

Contact Daylee to learn about AHA’s current supply needs, and other odds and ends that make their work run smoothly!

Daylee Baker-Hames: dayleeh@ctk.church (360) 622-1759

Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteering a couple hours each week to pack food boxes at the Ferndale food bank and deliver them to families at the AHA daycare facility is a meaningful way to serve locally and be obedient to God. The Bible instructs us to care for those in need and to love your neighbor as yourself.  Finding ways to give back and impact lives in my community is one of the best ways to create connections and be ready for opportunities to share the message of God's love for all of us. - Joel, Ferndale Foodbank & AHA Childcare Volunteer

Photo left to right: Joel AHA Volunteer, Adam CTK Ferndale Pastor