Curious about what God’s been up to?
Stay up to date with our quarterly donor letters, monthly farm director’s report and more using the links below! We’d love to share with you all the ways God’s leading us to put our faith in action!
Read our latest donor letter!
In the Name of Jesus–we respond
This letter gratefully goes out to the 400 of you who donated this fall to the CTK Blessing. Most of the time, the purpose of a ministry leads to ideas, a goal, a long-term plan to carry out that purpose. The Blessing ministries are different. We are deeply rooted in a philosophy of ministry and a set of filters for decision-making that position us to respond with intentionality to the myriad of opportunities that arise to be about Jesus’ business here in Whatcom County.
CTK Foodshare & Farm
Stay in the loop! Read our latest director’s Report
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donor letters?
The links below will lead you to the letter you’re looking for:
Want to catch up on the Farm’s Director’s Reports?
The links below will lead you to the letter you’re looking for: