Support Lydia Place

Our partners are on the frontlines of the best kind of work in our community and we have the awesome opportunity to support their work with the supplies they and their clients need.

Check out their wishlist of various items and prices at the link below. You can purchase through Amazon and have it delivered directly to them or buy locally and drop it off!

You can also learn more about donating to Lydia Place by checking out their Donation Flyer.

Have Questions?

Contact CTK Outreach Coordinator
Daylee Hames
(360) 622-1759

Want to
shop locally or
deliver it directly to the partner?

Check out the flyer & contact
Heather Fleming, Program & Partnership Coordinator

Volunteer Spotlight

"Being a part of the CTK community for almost 9 years now, I've always been both impressed and inspired by the work that our church community does to serve those in need around us. Now that I am in a unique position working at one of those organizations that they partner with, I truly see the value in what this partnership does.

CTK has provided support for Lydia Place through various ways such as financial support, food deliveries from their farm, and volunteers for events. Each type of support from CTK goes such a long way in supporting the families that we serve in their journey towards stable housing."

– Mae, Lydia Place Employee

Who is Lydia Place?

Lydia Place serves over 300 homeless families, single adults & single-parent households in our community each year.

In addition to its three housing programs, Lydia Place has embarked on the Parent Support Program — designed to break the cycle of poverty so children of families they serve today don’t experience homelessness as adults.