Welcoming the Stranger

Opportunities to learn and take action offered in partnership with World Relief.

Welcoming the Stranger Bible Study

8 Thursdays, October 17-Dec 12 (not meeting Thanksgiving) from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in room 211. CTK understands that immigration can be a very hot topic, fueled by ideologies of this world and our own opinions. But as your church, we invite you to search the scripture and share experiences with others in order to allow the truth and the heart of God to shape your views. This bible study gives us a chance to explore one of the most complex issues of our day, immigration, from a biblical perspective and helps us find ways to live out the calling God has given his church. Join CTKers Wendy Powell and Malissa Reichert as we humbly, respectfully, and bravely open up this difficult topic to the light of Scripture. Register Here.

Refugee Resettlement Panel with World Relief

Meet staff and volunteers from our local World Relief office as they share their experience resettling almost 350 refugees here in Whatcom County in the last 3 years. Learn more about the refugee resettlement process, ask questions, and take a few minutes to discuss what you’re learning with other CTK’ers. Then find out how you can help welcome new families into our community after such a traumatic upheaval and stressful process. Since there will be Syrian food to try and some time for discussion, please RSVP so we can plan ahead.

50 Kitchen Kits for Resettling Families

We all know how hard it is to move, especially with kids in the mix. Now imagine an international move that you didn’t get to plan for…that took 2 years! As refugee families finally resettle and begin to put down roots, navigating a new area in a new language with very limited finances at first can make even the smallest errands a huge hurdle. One way we can help is to have the kitchen basics ready and waiting for them as they move into housing. Click here to buy needed items on Amazon and have them shipped to CTK or use this guide to shop locally and bring your donations to the bin in the commons during the month of November!

The Bigger Picture: Evangelical Immigration Table

This widely-supported, biblically-based coalition provides education and advocacy around the policies that align with God’s law and heart on the complex issues of immigration. They provide dozens of ways to learn more and to speak on behalf of those who have no voice, giving us a practical way to live out Micah 6:8 which says, "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Visit EvangelicalImmigrationTable.com and check out their Biblical Resources or their Take Action pages to dive into this difficult topic with greater depth.

Coming in Jan: Welcoming the Stranger Bible Study

We took a small group through this 8-session Bible study this fall and are excited to open it up to a larger group in the New Year. It was such a valuable opportunity to explore one of the most complex issues of our day, immigration, from a biblical perspective and to find ways to live out the calling God has given his church. Each session is designed with five main components: Watch, Read, Discuss, Pray, Experience. If you’d like to join us as we humbly, respectfully, and bravely open up this difficult topic to the light of Scripture, email WendyP@ctk.church to get on the waiting list.