God Was on the Move this Winter at 1013 Holly

The Winter Overflow Shelter Story

It is no secret that God uses our discomfort to stretch us and transform us into people who look more like Jesus.
That is exactly what happened for the 102 volunteers who said yes to serving at the Winter Shelter this season.

It is no secret that God uses our discomfort to stretch us and transform us
into people who
look more like Jesus.

For the 4th year in a row, CTK has hosted a winter overflow shelter in partnership with the Lighthouse Mission.
Hosted by volunteers from the CTK community, 37 men escaped the cold winter nights at 1013 Holly during December, January, & February.

Many volunteers weren’t quite sure what they were saying yes to when they signed up to be a part of the shelter, but it was clear that God was very much behind that “yes”. As CTK’ers cleaned bathrooms, poured coffee, played games, and formed new relationships, God moved in powerful ways.

“It was really impressed on me this season that both the volunteers
& guests have an amazing
opportunity and privilege to step into God’s redeeming story
when we simply show up.

The simple acts of listening,
providing safe spaces, & sharing food can build God’s kingdom.”

– Dan, Veteran Shelter Team Lead

Overflow Shelter Lead Team

“Whether overcoming differences … or finding things in common through shared stories … for me this season has been one of finding and making connections.

I have found that I have much in common with the folks I’ve spent time with at the winter shelter –  and at the end of the day, as it turns out, we’re really not so different.”

–Lyle, Shelter Team Lead

The temptation when we show up in spaces like this can be to only think about what we have to offer.

God, in His kindness, gently reminds us that His kingdom is not built through pity or even charity, but rather through the radical, loving act of emptying ourselves.

It was a gift to see a glimpse of God’s Kingdom at 1013 Holly this winter, as people stepped into the discomfort of God’s call & discovered that He had more in store for them than they themselves could offer.

Shelter Volunteer, Kathy, & Guest

Our shelter manager, Tracy, shared these sweet memories:

One night a guest shared that instead of going to the bar drinking he was going to come straight to the shelter because he had a game of cribbage planned.

The men started coming in the door yelling,
’Hey mom, I’m home!’

On Valentine’s day, one of our volunteers gave all the guests a red rose. Many of them said it was the first time they had ever been given a flower.

One guest said ‘Our front porch is getting really messy’ and took a broom, went outside & swept up.

He then gave a little talk on keeping our house up.

with love, from 1013 W Holly St.

It is incredible to see the ripple effects of this shelter in God’s Kingdom!
From the Overflow Shelter Team—thank you! We are grateful for each of our guests and volunteers.

- Shelter Lead Team: Tracy, Lyle, Dan, Keri, Molly, Wendy, & Daylee